Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Projects are starting to roll now!!!

OMG, after a month and a half doing very little, getting used to the ways and habits around here, and especially at the university... things are now starting to roll:

here are the major links to these projects:

about Amma, the indian master I am following since one year: http://www.amma.org/

to Amma's charity work: http://www.amma.org/humanitarian-activities/index.html

The project Amma assigned me 3 days ago during darshan (the embrace the master gives you, and the time you get to spend with Devine Mother face to face, she even answers you questions at time: my last question was: .... O mother things are quite blocked here, should I stay or go back home?? the answer was the most amazing loving darshan I ever had... and a succession of very loving attentions):
Idea being: looking into ways to make this top of the class ABC recycling and composting project running at the ashram a replicable model outside... basically how to create value and jobs while cleaning India!


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