Saturday, March 9, 2013

Retour aux sources... quelques jours de ... campagne francaise!

Quelle joie de venir souffler un peu au ...pays!

en pleine campagne... pres de Vichy... magnifiques Allier... Auvergne!

where you can find...
Flying... cats! fake ones.. real ones... really lazy!
and of course...

My dear friends Lynn (SA) and Olivier... we go back 21 years now... started in Paris with a conference on South Africa in 1992, and a rugby tour with Nick Mallet in 1994
 And reconnect with great food, great wines, relaxing times...and ... spring! after 3 years of Kerala tropical weather...

what a pleasure to enjoy a fireplace, long dinner conversations...

Perfect place to start my 1st PhD article: read, compare, write, analyse, propose new concepts, design new models...:
Technology at the BoP, an Indian perspective.

I will publish it for the next Insead ISEC conference, in Madrid in April, and that is a lot of work to put those 10 to 15 pages together... but so much worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Diego, so much to catch up on. But I love your little detail pics here. So lovely to be spending time with those very lovely people. - Heather
