Tuesday, June 5, 2012

While waiting for...

her, Her...?

In Bali our Insead professional dreaming teacher made us 'travel' mentally to an island where we had to imagine people welcoming us.

I had a strong vision of my grand father (the corsican one), whom I never met (as he died some years before I was born), guiding me through this island, kind of a journey of my life, with his values, courage and corsican pride, I guess... as well as a beautiful woman welcoming me on arrival on that island.

But I could never really see the woman, identify her...

I got quite frustrated ... wanting to know who she was, who was this woman of my dreams, of my life...

when I realized she was not one..but many... a whole feminine side of my life: my own mother, some key women I met and shared important moments with (a dear friend I lost to cancer when I was 24, some women I almost married and the strong devine presence too, of Amma, Marie...as well as other feminine divinities...)

So here am I once again tonight wondering who she is, she may be... while waiting for her.

Am I in love, confused again? (see in section D Diary, Moods some thought around love...)

Am just happy to start to reconcile a strong masculine side (the canoe paddlers whom I was paddling with toward that island, strong, polynesian tattoos everywhere, proud... only aiming at the destination...pure muscles and will) and the feminine side (this dream woman, welcoming with a tender smile, a friend? the mother of my kids? just an exciting slut?... is it really a cliche?...or a strange mix of divinity and lust??...)

In any case, bottom line is (as some of my siemens friends would say!): it feels damn good to want to offer flowers again, to start writing songs again...

Love is in the air!


  1. In the past, I spent a week in a tribe hidden somewhere in the primary forest. There was the brother of the chief hunter, who was with us on the hunting trails although with some different manners. Later in the night, during the daily ceremony to honor the spirits, the same person was sitting and playing music with the women, dressed like them. I was later told that the community would allow him to be both a man and a woman, with the privileges and duties of both genders. I wondered about the social development embedded in this society, permitting such a freedom in self-accomplishment and the truth is that I felt inspired for my whole life by this (two) person(s).

    Diego, my woman and my man inside are joining both of your beautiful persons inside.

    Much love from a dreamer

    1. Lots of love your way too my brother in.. dreams... Looking forward to meeting your women too, the one inside I already met... but the climber ones...maybe soon in Barcelona as I would like to go and see Amma there beginning of November...3-4-5 nov, would be great to got together if you are available :-)

  2. Estaba Sofi en esa isla? 😜 estoy leyendo desde hoy todo tu blog y viviendo tus momentos. Escribis de una manera tan linda que me transmitis todos tus sentimientos. ❤️
