Sunday, September 1, 2013

Cape Canaveral? IIT Madras

after 15 hours of train to cross India from west to east... arriving in IIT Madras felt a bit like arriving on the launch pad of a space shuttle!

Indeed Tech labs everywhere, a whole city in the city of Chennai dedicated, applicative IT projects, geeks playing cricket on a sunday!

I am teaching a few hours of Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship to those... geeks in a few hours and I am ...well prepared.
I wanna do a great job for myself of course, for ASB, for my teachers and their reputation too.

1st class went really well on sunday, great interactions

Today a bit harder...was a bit too much focussed on setting high standards on SI/SE concepts... and I did it in a pretty dry manner... I was off, maybe the fever... the way I teach require full presence and energy!

But so much to learn and to get exposed to here.

Did not even know there could be a Ntl research center on ... that!

And dears everywhere...???

I thought they were statues in the beginning when I arrived at dawn!

3rd class last night...

Gosh what a day: starting early with meditation, a call to COC: Chennai Office Corporation, and a long visit of a dump fill, of disposition systems: metal containers, transition stations...
Great but really tiring.
In the evening I prepare myself more quietly this time, knowing exactly how I want to set the tone, the energy of the class.
I start by taking my share, apologizing for the previous, where I did not manage to feel the ambiance of the whole group and adjust.
This time I really want to share experiences: mine about the european charity sector, ours around waste, perspectives, hopes, some actions... projects
AmalaBharatam campaign of Amma, the Eco-Village concept and pilot...
And it went really well.
To the point of seeing a group of 10 to 15 students waiting at the end of class to invite me for dinner!!
Once again a first!
But I have to go to the Hindu for an interview!

So i rush there in a auto-taxi, do the interview and head back.
Pick up my uke and here we go: a table of 10 to 15 students eager to speak about... life!

And I love that stuf... so we stay for hours... sometimes singing...

Those 2 had a wonderful voice!

And it last late in the night! 

Today no hangover, just the feeling that I gave everything I had, did my best... and that maybe I am good at this... it feels good.

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